Reclaimed desert vigin area since 2015 , we manage and cultivate over than 300 ha of medicinal herbs & spices.
With modern farming methods, Chamomile, Peppermint, Basil & Melissa are cultivated under pivot irrigation and harvested mechanically. Also drip irrigation is used for Fennel , Hibiscus & Marjoram all are harvested mechanically.
The area has a great potential to reach 700 ha of botanical products within a short period.
We cultivated 500 hectares of medicinal herbs distributed over 7 farms in Fayoum, all ran under our supervision.
The farms are all traditional fertile land with flood irrigation, which yields several advantages such as productivity, a better yield, and an avoidance of cross contamination.
The main crops yielded are Chamomile, Calendula, Spearmint, Peppermint, Lemon Grass, Fennel, Parsley, and Coriander.
Aswan Farm
Our farm in Aswan is a newly reclaimed desert land where we used flood irrigation to cultivate approx. 40 hectares of new land.
The main crops yielded are Spearmint and Hibiscus.